Uncle Tom's Birthday
In remembrence of Uncle Tom's Birthday, today was a good day to transplant my Black Eye Susan seedlings that I started earlier this year. They seem to be happy so far. My seeds were originally saved from his garden in Maine, so they will always remind me of him.

Have you ever considered gardening by the moon? It sounds like it could take my gardening to another level, or at least make it more interesting.......or just complicate things, I'll find out.
The best time to sow seeds or transplant seedlings is during the first two quarters, or the time after a new moon, up until the days leading up till the full moon, because the new moon brings in an upsurge of energy. So right now happens to be a good time for these activities. If you want to get real specific, the first quarter, new moon to half full, is ideal for planting crops that grow underground, such as potatoes and carrots. The second quarter, half full to full moon, is for planting crops that grow above ground, such as corn and peas.
So today I transplanted my Black Eye Susans , lettuce, and some tomatoes that were ready for transplanting. And I sowed some cilantro seeds and more lettuce seeds. I did some weeding too! (even though the best time for these activities is during the 4th quarter when the moon is going from half full to new moon. This is the barren time of the lunar cycle so it is an optimum time to weed and cultivate as well as harvesting) I got a lot done today. Thanks to my new lafuma lounger. I can do a little work, then recuperate in my chair, then do a little more work. Its ergonomically designed and very comfortable for me.
I wish I could find the charger for the camera battery...........until then........