Wednesday, January 17, 2007

2007 Seeds

The catalogs started coming in the mail, so I placed my orders (online) and have received my seeds. Its a good idea to order early, in the past I have been disappointed to learn they run out of some varieties if I wait to long.

Renees's Garden - Crimson Carmello, Pompeii, Black Krim, Persimmon and Costoluto tomatoes. Vanilla Berry, Cherries Jubilee and Creamsicle Nasturtium.

Bountiful Gardens - New Sun, Marmande Super, and Cherry Mix tomatoes. Dill and Basil.

Seeds of Change - Early Red Chief, Yellow Perfection tomatoes. Red Iceberg, New York Head, Bronze Arrow, Emerald Oak, Red Ridinghood, Barcarole, Butterking and Carmon Red lettuces.

I am modifying my garden this season, and limiting the variety of vegetables I will grow. Since being diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis a few months ago, I have learned to modify my life so I can avoid being in pain all the time, and stop progression of the disease. I think if I just cut back a little, I can still enjoy spending time in the garden.

I decided to stick with tomatoes, herbs and lettuce. I thought these would require less daily maintenance. We'll see.