Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bay Area (and beyond) Farmer's Markets

Monday's in Morrow Bay

WEDNESDAY'S AT COLLEGE OF SAN MATEOGet your local cherries before it's too late!

Great entertainment.

THURSDAY'S IN SAN CARLOSGet your fresh eggs from pastured chickens early. She sold out. Only $4.50 dozen. Still had a few duck and goose eggs for sale.

Blueberries went quick too!

Beautiful stuff!

Organic Strawberries......the sweetest!

Peaches already! Gotta love living in California!

More beautiful stuff........

Wear your dancing shoes!

Hurry, only 4 chickens left! They smell really good.


Local Organic Grower.

The Best Cherries so far!

$10 Massage


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bay Area Activities

What to do when not tending to the farm?

SHORELINE PARK in Mountain View

HALF MOON BAYSome Beaches are best for walking.............

APTOSNew Brighton Beach - swimming

SAN FRANCISCO BAY TRAIL - BikingView of San Mateo Bridge


Friday, May 18, 2007

May 2007 Garden Beds

Buddha BedLots of Cornflowers and California Poppies this year.

BED #1Lettuce, Lavender, Feverfew, Thyme, Parsley, Nasturtium.

BED #26 Deciduous Tomatoes, Dill, Nasturtium, Calendula, Thyme, Oregano.

BED #4Calendula, Sage, 3 Indeciduious Tomatoes, Nasturtium, Lemon Verbanum, Borage, Endive (going to seed).

BED #6Lettuce, Oregano, Roman Chamomile, Nasturtium - and space saved for Cucumbers.

.....More Tomatoes 2007

I got a few more tomatoes planted in their permanent locations this week. So far, I have 13 planted. I am continuing to plant a few every month, to see how far I can extend my harvest at the end of the season, rather then have them all come in at once, since I don't want to preserve, just want to use as I pick:

Another Cherry in a hanging basket, to replace the one that didn't make it last month

June 16th

This Cherry was planted in a large container. I have to protect from chickens who love tomato plants.

June 16th

Add 1/4 cup side dressing at transplanting, and continue working 1/4 cup into all tomatoes in containers every month. I use "Down to Earth" All Purpose Fertilizer.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Spring Harvest 2007

Bronze Arrow, Emerald Oak, Butterking, and Red IcebergHarvest home grown lettuce as "cut and come again". As you harvest the larger leaves, new leaves will keep growing, for a continued harvest. Remember to pick early in the morning when its at its sweetest. (Later in the day, the lettuce will shoot up a bitter mucus through its leaves, as protection from predators.)

Look who's hanging around as I pick some lettuce.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cucumbers 2007

Cucumber's are so quick and easy to start from seedI planted these seeds directly into this container with soil. Just be sure to poke holes in the bottom of your container for drainage. I kept them indoors on a windowsill until they germinated, then I moved them outdoors since the weather was warm enough. 5 out of the 6 seeds I sowed, germinated. They should be ready to transplant in about 3 or 4 weeks from the start date. I'll then start a another flat, for a continuous harvest throughout the fall.

My favorite variety is one from the Mediterranean called Garden Oasis, I purchased the seeds fromRenees's GardenIt's a Hybrid, so I can't save the seeds, but it is so worth growing.

May 22 - transplanted seedlings outdoors. I like to grow them vertically, using curly willy branches for support. I can cut them to whatever height I want, and they have lots of nooks and crannies to hold the vines. I actually like to wrap the vines around the branches, as they make their way up to the top, creating like a cucumber teepee.

JulyThe cucumber vines are produing cucumbers daily for me to eat as a snack.

July 7thFirst Cucumber of the season.