Bed #2 - Temporary seedling storage My seed starting efforts are safely stored behind bird netting, waiting to be transplanted. The Fall is my favorite time to start seeds........nights are still warm, days are cooling a bit, no rain. I don't have to protect them or bring them indoors, like I do in the spring. It's so much easier.

Some seeds have best germination rates using Uncle Tom's Method........ stock, calendula and cornflowers. Some seeds are best sown directly into a flat of soil..........lettuce, greens, leeks and scallions. Some seeds are best sown directly into the garden.........carrots, beets, cilantro, parsley.
Stock, Cornflowers and Calendula - started between coffee filters
They took about 10 days to germinate. They dry out really fast, some days I sprayed them water at least 2 or 3 times. It helps to place them in a baggie if its really hot and dry out, then they don't dry out so fast. After they germinated, I transplanted into the dixie cups you see in bed #2.
Calendula - germinated
I check everyday, and transplant those that have germinated into dixie cups. Deepending on their size, I might bury the seedling completely, or leave the little green tip above the soil. Either way they do great. brave........thats how I learned. This is only my second year starting my own seeds, I used to be totally unsuccessful, until I learned Uncle Tom's Method.
AUGUST 30TH - UPDATE Progress has been going nicely for the past 4 days. Looks like my transplanting of germinated seeds and broadcasting of seeds in flats, was successful. If you look closely, little green seedlings are breaking above the soil in the dixie cups, and the small flats.
I have been watering them daily, with a very gentle hand watering can. They are in partial sun/shade.
Stock Seedlings
Cornflower Seedlings
Calendula Seedlings
Lettuce Seeds Germinating (directly broadcast in soil)
Lettuce Transplants (seedlings in second flat)