These seeds were given to me by my mother, who collected them from Uncle Tom's Maine Garden last summer, when she was visiting him. In honor of Tom's birthday today, I am starting these seeds, using Uncle Tom's Method. Hopefully, these beautiful flowers will be blooming in Uncle Tom's Garden in California before too long. Anyone who would like to add some of Uncle Tom's Black-Eyed Susans to their own garden, let me know, and I will be happy to share some seeds.
The real beauty of these Black-Eyed Susan Flowers are in the power of their
essence. How appropriate that their positive healing patterns will help us embrace what we are resisting and, can help fill ourselves with a deep sense of inner peace. Once again, thank you Uncle Tom, for helping us get through your passing with your beautiful flowers.

Friday, March 31 - it's been one week, can you see the green in the photo? These seeds have started to germinate! Yea! Thank you Uncle Tom. Today I will transfer those that are germinated into soil, in dixie cups, until they are ready to plant directly outdoors. Those that haven't germinated yet, I will leave on the coffee filter until they are ready. I think we will have many Black Eyed Susans.

April 1 - well, I decided to transplant them into this disposable food container I reyceled from Whole Foods. It was raining all day, and I decided to work inside at the dining room table, and the dixie cups would have made too much of a mess. I took this picture this morning, and I am happy to observe they have survived the night, and are actually thriving on the top shelf of my kitchen green house window. Until they get bigger, I will just spray/mist them with water. Very gentle.
Black Eye Susan update
April 17I transplanted them into individual dixie cups (1 plant per cup). I should have taken a photo of the root system, a lot has been happening below the surface of the soil, even though the plants themselves still look small.

Update May 12 - ready to transplant out to their permanent location!
I decided to put as many as would fit in the Buddha Bed. The chickens got to them right away, so I am now protected them till they get large enough.
UPDATE: JULY 15 - first bloom
Bloomed through October in Buddha Bed