Potato Harvest
These potatoes were planted on February 24th

We left a few plants in the bed to let them continue growing. And I still have my other bed of Yukon Gold, that got planted a month later, so I will let them continue for a while longer.
I am going to try and store a few potatoes for replanting next February, so I don't have to continue ordering in the mail. I am going to put them in a mesh bag, and hang them under the house from one of the rafters. It's always so cool under the house, so hopefully they will be happy and protected. We'll see. I wonder if I could just leave them in my refridgerator? Any one have any suggestions? I guess I should have planted them in succession. I could have planted them throughout March in my area, instead of planing all of these variety in February. Live and learn.....next year.
For more info on growing potatoes see my March 27th post, You Say Potato
So now I have an (almost) empty bed....I think I may plant that "catch crop" Amaranth, since I already purchased some seeds, and wanted to give that a try. It's supposed to be very ornamental, and a good carbon crop for the compost.
3 large Baked Potatoes
3 T Olive oil
3 - 5" sprigs fresh rosemary
3 - large cloves of garlic
1 can canneloni beans
When potatoes are baking, chop rosemary and garlic and saute in olvie oil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, and let infuse, pan covered till potatoes are done.
Remove potatoes from skin, mash, add infused olive oil (leaving a little in the pan), salt and pepper.
Heat drained canneloni beans in same pan that you infused the garlic and rosemary. Serve over the mashed potatoes.